Dr Cindy Holden
Cindy graduated from Melbourne University in 1996, and following this spent time working at the Western Hospital in Footscray and Sunshine, Williamstown Hospital and the Royal Women’s Hospital.
Cindy has worked in General Practice since 2000 in various locations in Melbourne and regional Victoria. She has always had a keen interest in pregnancy care, and women’s and children’s health. Cindy completed a Diploma of Obstetrics which allows her to provide shared care during pregnancy to patients of the majority of Melbourne’s public maternity hospitals. She also has a certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health from Family Planning Victoria (now Sexual Health Victoria).
From September 2023 Cindy has refined her practice to specialise in pre-pregnancy and pregnancy care. This encompasses care of women and couples as they contemplate pregnancy, through the journey of shared maternity care, and beyond to postnatal review. For more detailed information about services provided and appointments, please see Pre-Pregnancy and Pregnancy Care Clinic page listed under Services.
Cindy is an avid reader and is never without a novel on the go. She also enjoys music, singing and travel, and the general chaos of life with three children!
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